
Here I present my spontaneous writings written in different moods.   

The Debits

The wildness and reoccurrence of debits have been such that the only assets left with seem like the last liabilities !

The Future

I wanna make a future where looking back on my past doesn't make me do regret upon myself, however a sensation of betterment from the past would be enough ✨


Do accept the flaws of yourselves even if they are known as an asset to the outside world.


Coincidence, the word in itself entails an essence of magic but sometimes it upsurges the level of ecstasy of one's life forever, unlike its quotidian joy.

Human Being

Craving for what we don't have and regretting later on having it, is the basic structure of a human mind.

Overthink You do overthink when you don't know if the problem does really exist or just a consequence of the prejudiced overthinking !

The Wheel Earn to fear and fear to spoil Persistence matters as the one cannot be raised in turmoil

A cage

Feel the expression of heart within a cage curbed with the choices of self destruction or development.

Self shine

Feel the shine in plainness of deceptive appearances.


Shine in the dark and stay idle in the bright !

The Switch

Turning off your humanity isn't as simple as they ignore you.


Time doesn't matter for some people as the thing which matters is comfort upon which they linger on.


Do get an estimation of the accuracy and the right virtues of the one before your desires influence them passionately.

Bad Times

When a bad time has to come it means it has to come. No matter how bad your vibes were and in present everything seems to be cool.

Pseudo Companionship

They come to you to get attention of someone whom they hated the most meanwhile they construct a realistic companionship on some letters with you.

The Jealous

You run after a person who seems to run with you for an eternity having a belief within yourself that there is a jealous at the remarkable cross way.

My Brain

My brain tries to exercise control over the feelings of my heart processed with some insights.....If my brain doesn't I might end up myself somewhere. 🧠


I don't know how to move my fingers in accordance with a pen, and they urge me to show creativity of words in writings resided in a confined ambience of terror and controversial affairs.


I always wonder after consuming a considerable amount of negativity through positive vibes.....🙂 Oh yeah might be negativity arises from the bright side not from the dark side... apparently one had a wrong perception forever.

Stoned Heart

Don't urge me to show the love which your stoned heart doesn't want to feel ! 💔

Gaining Trust How do u gain trust? Through flattering comments or the world's best healer? Idk!